Monday, September 18, 2006

Busy Weekend

This weekend was busy, so busy that I am now nursing a cup of tea thanlfully that I have finally washed the last dish.

Friday night was Fiorenza's premire party. The entire cast assembled at her house and watched Pahala Shore. It was strange seeing myself on television, but it was good to see the completed version. I mean, you have no idea how the scene will turn out and how it links with the other characters until you see it in a seemless storyline.

After the episode we all walked over to my house where the night before Chad helped me set up the tables and lights in the garden. I baked plenty of food-or so I thought-with a menu of: raspberry-cherry cheesecake, trio-berry pie, almond ginger layer cake, lemon custard layer cake, baked alaskan, and assorted fruit crepes. Apparently we have some serious sugar addicts in the cast, for as soon as I spread the word that the treats were low-cal, low-fat, the cast seemed to form a neverending line for the sweets and let's just say that things quickly disappeared. There was plenty of champagne, thank goodness Chad volunteered for that task. The party had me sooo nervous! I never threw a party before, but Jasmine helped with the planning and Josie helped me pick out my dress and Chad calmed my fears about the dishes. In the end it seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves and I went to bed stuffed and tired around 3 am.

Dessert Reception Photos

Saturday I woke up late and was greeted to buzzing flies, apparently I didn't clear away ALL the dishes. So I spent the greater half of the morning washing dishes and nursing a cup of coffee in an attempt to wake up. Finally I decided to do some yoga, take a looooong bubble bath and a nap before my date that night. Butterflies were in my stomach, this was Chad and I's second date and we were going to be very fancy. Smokey Jane's Jazz Cafe was hosting a few famous pianists for a concert. Fiorenza gave me her VIP tickets (she had to go to Italy on business) and Chad and I were going to have dinner before the concert. I wore a long blue gown with lace at the collar and Chad looked...dashing in his suit.*blush*

We arrived at Smokey Jane's and waited to be seated at our (well, Fiorenza's) table. A lot of familar faces were there, Alexis showed up (I didn't know she was coming) as well as A'ron and his daughter. Finally we were seated, the wait wasn't long at all to be honest...about five seconds. The table was on the ground floor, near the stage so we were able to have the best view of the concert. Also, it was close to the bar and kitchen so food was delivered very quickly. We had a nice meal, filet mignon with buttery potatoes and crisp salad accompanied with delicious apricot sparkling wine. It was amazing! The concert was very well also. It wasn't a typical concert of sit and watch the pianist play, but patrons were encouraged to dance along with the tunes. Chad and I danced several times....he smelled good...*blush*. Afterwards, we were able to meet the pianist and get her autograph. The only sore point was this strange old lady kepy following us about.

Smokey Jane's Jazz Cafe Photos

I had a wonderful time this weekend, it was busy, but I loved every minute of for another nap!

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