Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday Plans

Well, Chad and I are headed to visit his family for the holiday season. I'm excited, even though I just saw Daisy over Thanksgiving, I can't wait to see her again. She's pregnant and the entire family is excited with the news! Chad and I brought her a nursery set...needless to say we splurged. I wanted to get her the Tropezienne Nursery from Around the Sims2, but Chad said that it would be a little out of place and besides, it wasn't very unisex. Instead we got her the Authentic Nursery from ATS2. We had it delivered to her house and we're going to take a flight out tomorrow, our original flight for today was canceled :{

I don't know how long we're staying, we have to be back in Apple Valley on Jan 1, in order to start filming again for Pahala Shore on the 2nd. Then there will be a few weeks until Apple Valley signs the pet deal, I'm soooo excited!!! (Though not all residents are excited, many are looking forward to the seasons deal, which I must admit, I am more excited about). I am planning on getting a cat, Chad wants a dog, so we'll probably get one of each.

We have to make a big desicion before then, to move or not to move. The house is a bit crowded and with the high number of graduates moving back to the hood, we could sell the house at a premium and move to the cute little house across the street. *sigh* but I've been hoping for a sparkely diamond ring before making another move, but it doesn't look like it will be coming soon. We haven't discussed marriage yet (been far too busy with PS, Euphoria and Chad's musical endeavors) but...well, we are a serious couple. *sigh* I suppose it will come soon enough, but seeing so many of my friends have babies is a little...disheartening. Not for them, for me...well...I'm a bit envious. I want what they have. Thankfully I get to play with so many children and babies. It's almost like I have children of my own! I wonder how Nicole is doing? She wants us to stop by before we leave, apparently she has big news.

until next time

1 comment:

Em said...


There must have been some glitch or wrong setting on my blog, because I just now discovered that you'd left a comment for me. Thank you so much for the note. If you happen to see Zaida around town tell her I appreciate the note of congratulations (it was more like a warning actually . . .) she left about the birth of my twins. Yes, the unread comments went back that long ago! You all must have thought I was such a snob!

I hope you're enjoying your holidays with Chad. :o When we get back from the holiday break we'll have to get together and you can tell me all about it!

Merry Christmas!
