Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hello All!

This is my first post on my first computer! I finally brought something with my cheque from Pahala Shore. This computer was on sale, so I got a really good deal. Now I need to find an apartment-I don't know how much longer they will let me stay in the studio suite. It's very comfortable-but then again, anything is comfortable when you've been used to sleeping on couches and under bridges.

I'm still in shock about the recent turn of events in my life. One day I'm cleaning toilets struggling to feed myself, the next day I'm acting on the set of a soap-as one of the central characters-go figure! I'm extremely thankful though, just being able to have this job-it makes a woman hope for the future...but anyhoo.

Working on the set is fun, I want to do my best so I've been studying my lines and doing research at the library concerning native american issues and trying to understand Sierra's personality and background. So far I know that she was an only child raised by her grandfather on a reservation. I wonder what it's like to have a grandfather-or a family for that matter. I lived in an orphanage all my life until I became an adult and had to leave "the system". I'm the second youngest on the set, Jasmine is a little younger than me as she just had her adult birthday. Most of the other actors have children and families-but they don't look old at all. Alexis said that she is going to take me shopping for clothes once filming starts-I just hope they're not too expensive, I'm not used to paying a lot of simoleans for clothes-heck, I'm not used to paying simoleans for clothes, my wardrobe consisted of one outfit for school and another outfit for elsewhere. Sometimes if we were lucky at the orphanage we would get donations from some kid's rich parents who felt bad for us and there would be these nice belts and purses and sometimes some jewelry. I wonder how the other girls are doing.

Well, I should prepare for the cast photo shoot, we're going to the beach to take photos in our swimsuits-the set location is beautiful, Bottom Beach is very close to Apple Valley-it's actually considered a part of Apple Valley, but it's still a short ferry ride away. I will have to get a map directions are sometimes confusing here. I know that Apple Valley is west of SimCity and Bottom Beach is south of Apple Valley and downtown is to the north of Apple Valley and Muscon Desert lies to the east of Bottom Beach...I think.

Until next time

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