Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wedding Plans

Well our break has been extended until April 15th, yay! I'm really enjoying it here. I've had plenty of time to think and relax.

Chad and I decided that June was not going to work for our wedding, so we're doing the wedding in August. It works better with my color scheme (sage, brown, white, tan) and gives me more time to plan. Now I need to chose my bridesmaids, we have our honor attendants (his brother and sister) and I guess I need to start dress shopping. Daisy is helping me look at a few things around here. I suppose we should start a guest list...that would work.

I've also decided to open another resturaunt once the repairs are complete. Euphoria will be moving to Apple Valley proper, but will be near the more modern homes in the hood. I want to open Tati's, a more ethnic resturaunt near the town centre. Nicole has been telling me about the plans for the new Apple Valley (as residents have started calling it). They sound exciting. I can't wait to see it.

*yawn* I think I'll go take a nap, make even take a walk.

until next time

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